Register Now For The
X Dance Cruise

$250 Secures Your Spot! Balance Due By June 20th.

Create Your Account: Step 1 of 2

The $250 deposit/per person is all you need now to reserve your spot on the cruise and is non-refundable. Any payments made above the $250 deposit are fully refundable until June 20th. After June 20th, all payments made towards the X Dance Cruise are non-refundable.

By booking the X Dance Cruise, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to the Terms and Conditions.

A Dance Vacation Away From The World

Your space on the cruise will be guaranteed with just your deposit. We'll contact you within a few days to get your final details including which type of cabin you would prefer, additional family members, or special requests.


$250 per person


Before June 20th

Secure SSL Payment

Data stored on a secure server

Only $250 To Reserve

Pay The Balance By June 20th


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